Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope you've had a positive week.
We've had a relatively quiet week in terms of trips and events, focusing on making the most of learning time in the last few weeks of terms.
Further to my email regarding online safety earlier today, we have decided to run additional sessions for KS3 pupils next week to reiterate the importance of keeping safe online. Please check your child's phone regularly and reinforce online safety. We will share the PowerPoint with you once we've delivered them.
Many thanks to our amazing PTA for running the Chocolate tombola stall at the Stockbridge Christmas Lights event tonight. I hope the weather holds off. Thanks to those parents who donated chocolate for the stall, much appreciated.
Our Christmas Concert is fast approaching. Everyone is welcome on Monday 16th December at 6:30pm. We have an exciting line up. I'm sure Danebury will light up St. Peter's Church!
Stay safe over the weekend, we hope Storm Darragh doesn't cause any damage as it passes through.
Have a good weekend.
Nicky Goodridge, Head of School