Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope you and your families are well.
We've had a really positive week on the whole. Pupils have been engaged in their learning and the atmosphere around school has felt calm and purposeful. I can really see the impact of the training we have carried out over the last six months on increasing the ratio of participation in lessons. All pupils are actively engaged in retrieval practice, learning checks and during whole class questioning. Mini white boards are being used to full effect to ensure everyone is thinking more, 'Turn and Talk' and 'Turn and Teach' are promoting more opportunities for pupils to think and discuss the topic. Staff are planning more opportunities for pupils to exercise their oracy skills in a focused way. I can see pupils becoming more independent in their learning as they move up through the school.
We are working hard to create Knowledge Organisers for each subject for pupils to use in the classroom and during their home learning. They are a succinct way of pulling all the core knowledge together on one page. Pupils can use them as a point of reference when working independently or for revision purposes. They are accessible online and shared in class.
On Thursday we held our annual GCSE Awards Evening. It was lovely to welcome back 'The Class of 2024' to celebrate their achievements, not only in their GCSEs but for their contribution to the community. We were fortunate enough to be joined by the Mayor and Mayoress, our local MP Caroline Noaks, along with a large number of local Parish Councillors, the Rotary Club, local business owners, leaders of local Community groups and our Governors and PTA. It was a privilege to watch the awards being presented by our guests to the students. As staff, we loved hearing about the adventures the students have been on since they left us, they were an incredible year group who brought so much to our community.
Congratulations to our U16 Boys Basketball Team who travelled to the New Forest to play in the County Cup. The team played really well, scoring a respectable number of points, but couldn't match their opponents on the day. Well done to the team, so much potential and certainly a team to watch for the future!
We have a busy week ahead, two excellent opportunities to learn beyond the classroom. Year 7 are off on an English trip to the Water Meadows on Monday. Years 10 and 11 are off on a History trip to the Maritime Museum in London on Tuesday.
On Wednesday afternoon we will be carrying out a Lockdown practice. School lockdown practice is essential to ensure everyone knows what to do in the event of an emergency. Pupils will be well prepared for the practice; tutors will be going through the procedure during tutor time. Our more anxious pupils will have additional support in preparation for this. As with our Fire Evacuation procedures, we have regular 'walk throughs' to ensure all pupils understand why we carry them out and how we carry them out safely and effectively. Last Monday, the Fire Alarm went off during breaktime. Despite pupils being in their social groups at the time, they evacuated the school and made their way to our muster point on the field speedily and with maturity. They were outstanding whilst we waited for clearance on the field.
As we head into the winter months, there is a very small chance that the school may need to close. It is highly unlikely and a last resort. However, the safety of our pupils, staff and staff of our transport companies is our priority. We closely monitor weather warnings. If there is significant snowfall and high winds that have the potential to cause damage or significant rainfall which may cause flooding, we will carry out a risk assessment and make a decision. In the rare event of the school closing, we will email you all through Arbor, ClassCharts and share on our socials.
Please ensure your child wears their Danebury Coat to school. This is part of our uniform policy and much needed during the winter months. On the whole, our pupils' uniform is excellent. Many thanks for supporting us with this.
A polite reminder that we have an Inset Day on December 2nd 2024, staff will be taking part in a range of training sessions focused on Assessment and Feedback.
Nicky Goodridge, Head of School