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  • Key Stage 3 (KS3)

    KS3 Curriculum

    At Danebury, we view the curriculum as journey from Year 7 to Year 11 and then beyond. Years 7 acts as a bridge between the primary and secondary phases and the school aims to provide a smooth transition between Years 6 and 7.  The curriculum for Years 7, 8 and 9 introduces some subjects which are studied discretely, enabling depth of study.  The curriculum enables greater depth and breadth in learning as appropriate to the needs of children in the School and prepares them for selecting the personalised curriculum on which they will embark in Key Stage 4.

    In Years 7, 8 and 9 (Key Stage 3) pupils follow a broad and balanced curriculum including the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science alongside a wide range of Foundation subjects. In English and Mathematics, the curriculum builds on the core skills that pupils will have learnt at Primary school, extending their experience and application of these skills to a deeper level in readiness for the challenges of Key Stage 4. In Science, the focus is on enquiry led learning, linking scientific exploration with real world examples and drawing together a number of strands in scientific thinking from Biology, Chemistry and Physics. 

    High quality teaching means that at Danebury School, we recognise that young people’s talents and challenges vary across subjects and therefore, we apply a flexible approach to pupil grouping to enable us to respond effectively to the needs of each learner. Teachers focus their planning on key learning objectives; using misconceptions as opportunities for learning and where the individual excels in a subject, ensuring opportunity for greater depth in their learning.

    ​In addition to the core subjects, our curriculum includes discrete teaching in Geography, History and RE – and the combined teaching of Citizenship with Personal Social and Health Education. Languages, Creative Arts, Technology, Computing and Physical Education are all part of the weekly timetable and delivered in purposefully designed teaching areas that maximise learning opportunities. We have specialist teachers in all subject areas whose enthusiasm for their subject resonates through the schemes of work that pupils experience in Key Stage 3.