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  • Post-16 Transition Support

    Information for students with SEND

    Transitioning from secondary education can be a challenging time for students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their families. Here’s comprehensive advice to support this important transition, to ensure it is a smooth transition to the ‘next step’:

    Start Early
    • Early Planning: Begin considering post-16 options as early as possible (the summer term of Year 9 is a good time to start thinking). This allows ample time to explore all available pathways and make informed decisions.
    • Careers advice appointment: Our Careers advisor can complete meetings with your child. In order to support needs, for individuals with high need, this could be with the assistance of a member of the Learning Support or Pastoral team, or accompanied by you as parents / carers (virtually or in person).
    Explore Post-16 Options Early:
    • Further Education Colleges: Investigate local further education colleges, including their support services for students with SEND.
    • Vocational Training and Apprenticeships: Look into vocational training and apprenticeships. Some programs are specifically designed to support SEND students.
    • Visit Colleges: Arrange visits to potential colleges or training providers to meet staff and discuss the support available.
    • Sharing your child’s SEND information: Consider sharing the current SEND passport with potential post-16 providers. This helps them understand your child’s needs, discuss and prepare appropriate support.
    Post-16 transition support and information for students with an Education health care plan (EHCP):

    Transitioning from secondary education to post-16 options for a child with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) requires careful planning and collaboration. Here’s detailed advice for parents to navigate this important phase:

    Annual Reviews: The review in Year 9 (age 13-14) should start the transition planning process.

    Formal Consultation with educational placements:
    • Sharing your child’s EHCP: Consider sharing the current EHCP with potential post-16 providers. This helps them understand your child’s needs and prepare appropriate support.
    • Formal consultations: Begin the formal consultation process with post-16 providers by the Autumn term of Year 11. Let the SENDCo and SEND caseworker know of any colleges you would like to be consulted.
    • Local Authority Deadline: The Hampshire local authority typically aims to finalise post-16 placements by 31 March of Year 11. This allows time for any necessary appeals or additional consultations if the initial placement is not suitable.