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  • Personal, Social, Health & Economic (PSHE) & Promoting British Values

    At Danebury School our PSHE provision meets and exceeds the statutory requirement for teaching PSHE. It is a planned programme of learning through which pupils acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives now and in the future. As part of a whole school approach, it develops the qualities and attributes pupils need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society.

    PSHE at Danebury School focusses on the well-being of our pupils now and in the future. It addresses pupils’ own experience and prepares them for when they leave school. A spiral programme ensures learning is revisited, reinforced and extended during a pupil’s five years by age and stage appropriate contexts.

    Every effort is made to encourage pupils to develop their personal skills. These include communicating, making reasoned judgements and developing strategies for dealing with varying life situations, constructive criticisms and disseminating information. The development of tolerance, an appreciation of another’s point of view and self-respect are key elements of this programme.

    Sex and Relationships Education*

    The school’s Sex and Relationships Education programme places particular emphasis on developing a caring and responsible attitude towards relationships. It aims to help pupils to understand the importance and role of the family and to consider the part it can play in happy and fulfilling relationships. Attitudes towards relationships are considered alongside the moral and social issues involved. We aim to combat ignorance by giving our pupils the knowledge upon which to make informed decisions, to develop responsible attitudes to their own problems and to show consideration to those of others.

    We are happy to answer any questions about this aspect of the curriculum. The Governing Body has approved the Sex Education Policy, a copy of which is available upon request. An opportunity for parents to view the resources used during each key stage can be arranged. Although the Government believes that all pupils should be offered the opportunity of receiving a comprehensive programme of Sex Education, parents do have the right of withdrawal from any or all parts of the school’s programme, other than those elements which are required by the National Curriculum Science Order. We would ask parents to contact the school if they wish to discuss the issues involved.

    Our Commitment to British Values

    Developing our pupils’ awareness of British Values is important to us. We look for opportunities within our PSHE programme, curriculum, extracurricular programmes and enrichment provision to support the delivery of these values.


    We have a Pupil Council which is made up of tutor group representatives to share views and contribute to wider school decisions at regular meetings. We also link with Pupil Councils in our cluster schools. We have Head Prefects to represent pupils.

    Pupils are given opportunities to develop their understanding of democracy within tutor time activities, assemblies and within subject areas. These include holding mock elections to develop pupils' understanding and experience of democratic processes.

    The Rule of Law

    Our pupils learn to respect rules and laws. These range from the expectations that are put into place at our school to guide pupils’ behaviour and conduct to understanding the laws within the country that shape our behaviour in the wider community. Pupils learn about the consequences of making choices and decisions within the PSHE programme.

    Individual Liberty

    Pupils are educated and supported to make safe choices throughout their time with us. We develop their awareness of making safe choices and give them the freedom to make choices through a variety of assembly themes, subject lessons and enriched opportunities.

    Mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

    We recognise and celebrate diversity, showing respect, consideration and cooperation so that we can work effectively together in our school and wider communities. Our Religious Education curriculum also covers all main faith groups, looking at various aspects of their religious beliefs so that there is greater understanding and tolerance between groups.

    Radicalisation and Extremism

    Our school fully supports the view that all pupils should be protected from extremism and radicalisation:

    Extremism is defined by the government as ‘vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs’, whereas radicalisation is the process whereby beliefs are converted into extreme political, social, or religious ideals.

    (GOV, Prevent policy document)

    Our commitment to safeguarding our pupils’ welfare means we are vigilant to monitor vulnerability to radicalisation, including:

    • Changes in behaviour
    • Family unrest
    • Sense of isolation
    • Experience of racism or discrimination
    • Feeling of failure

    Any concerns are reported to our Designated Safeguarding Officer or the Senior Team.

    A cross-curricular approach

    Pupils and staff engage with British Values through SMSC (Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural) opportunities which are planned into the curriculum, PSHE and assembly programmes to enrich the learning experience of all. Our assembly programme has been designed to raise pupil awareness and understanding of themes such as remembrance, human rights, freedom, morals, empathy and decision making which are important in shaping the roles our pupils play in our community.

    Opportunities include:

    • Pupil Council elections and regular pupil council meetings
    • Primary Sports Leadership programmes
    • Prefects’ responsibilities
    • Head Prefect elections and responsibilities
    • Peer mentoring programmes
    • Annual Rotary “Youth Speaks” competition