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  • Pupil Premium


    The Pupil Premium provides additional funding to support pupils who are registered as eligible for free school meals, looked after children and those from families with parents in the armed forces. It also includes pupils who were eligible for free school meals or registered as a service child at any point in the last six years.

    The main purpose of the pupil premium is to support the above pupils’ learning and progress in school and to close the attainment gap between these pupils and those not entitled to such support. We have used it to support a range of interventions and initiatives linked to pupils’ learning. We have also used the funding to support a range of enrichment opportunities, as we believe these have such a positive impact on pupils’ motivation and success at school.

    The school strives to meet the needs of a wide range of pupil groups who have been identified as vulnerable or at risk of underachieving, not just those eligible for the Pupil Premium. Therefore, the cost of support we have put in place using this funding may exceed the Pupil Premium grant, as we want to ensure such intervention will have an impact on the progress and achievement of as many pupils as possible at school.

    How to apply for Pupil Premium

    If you think your child is eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant, please do contact us so we can ensure they are registered.

    Alternatively, you can check your eligibility for free school meals online by going to the Hampshire Free School Meals page.

    You will be asked to enter your name, national insurance number, address and child’s details. Then press submit and find out if you are eligible. If the result comes back found this means your child is eligible for FSM and the system automatically tells the school. This funding enables the school to directly support your child’s progress in school, even if they decide not to eat the free school meals at lunchtimes.