Our Geography curriculum is designed to develop a passion and sense of responsibility for the world around us and celebrate the differences in its people and environments. Through the study of Geography we aim to provide pupils with a strong knowledge and understanding of the world around them, together with the skills and attitudes they will need to be responsible global citizens and stewards of the environment. Our pupils will develop the ability to critically analyse information from a variety of sources, investigate questions, present findings and develop their own attitudes and beliefs.
Our History curriculum will inspire pupils to want to learn about their past and search for evidence of their heritage. It will generate an interest in the history of others elsewhere, exposing them to the diverse world they inherit. Pupils will gain a passion for understanding the stories of the past and question how society has evolved in Britain and beyond. Looking across time and into the future, pupils will be excited to see how the past informs our decision making and planning for a local, national and global future that, as participant citizens, they contribute to.
Our Religious Education curriculum is designed to develop responsibility and respect for all aspects of diversity, whether it be religious, social, or cultural, and prepare pupils for life in modern Britain. We aim to make Religious Education relatable to pupils by studying what a religious way of looking at and existing in the world may offer individuals and collective groups. We also intend that the curriculum will be representative to pupils, reflecting the fact that the religious traditions in Great Britain are in the main Christian, whilst considering the teachings and practices of a range of faiths and world views. We aim to challenge and encourage pupils, to make links between the beliefs, practices and value systems of a range of faiths and world views, enabling pupils to support and respond to their peers, community and life in Britain.