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  • School Day

    From September 2024

    The school will start at 8.40 and finish at 15.10. See below for details:

    0840 to 0910 Tutor
    0910 to 1010  Period 1
    1010 to 1110  Period 2
    1110 to 1135  Break
    1135 to 1235  Period 3
    1235 to 1335  Period 4
    1335 to 1405  Lunch
    1405 to 1410 5 minute changeover
    1410 to 1510  Period 5

    School Office

    The school office is normally open Monday-Friday from 8:30am to 4:00pm. The number is 01264 810555. Messages may be left on the answer phone at other times.

    The school’s email address is: