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  • Year 6 Enrolment Information

    Enrolment information

    For 2024 we will provide enrolment packs at the Parents & Carers Transition Evening.

    5.30 pm               Arrival & Refreshments & Enrolment Documents

    6.15 pm               Presentations by Mrs Goodridge, Head of School & Transition Team

    In order to finalise admission to Year 7, we require the following:

    1. Proof of Address –3 documents see list below
    2. Proof of Date of Birth – either birth certificate or passport
    3. Completion of Admission Enrolment Forms – these will be provided

    Please bring with you the original documents showing Proof of Address and Proof of Date of Birth for us to copy.

    Proof of Address – 3 documents from the following list

    • 12 months signed tenancy agreement (if you moved into the property between Jan – Oct 2022)
    • Signed solicitors letter confirming completion of sale (if you moved into the property between Jan – Oct 2022)
    • A utility bill (water, gas, electricity)
    • Council tax statement
    • Bank statement
    • Current driving licence
    • Child benefit or HM Revenue & Customs correspondence with your name and current address on it. 

    We very much look forward to meeting with you. Please do not hesitate to email us at any time at with any questions or concerns you may have, so that we can ensure that we are able to address them.