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Extra Curriculum Activities

The following activities are available for pupils to take part in. Pupils can just turn up and have a go.

During School Activities (2nd Break 13.35-14.10)

Activities during 2nd break will require pupils to change into their PE shirt & trainers, but they do not have to wear shorts. This is to reduce changing time.

Day Sports Activity
Monday Girls Basketball - ALL YEARS  - Sports Hall
Wednesday Badminton Club - ALL YEARS - Sports Hall
Thursday Boys Basketball - ALL YEARS - Sports Hall
Friday Dodgeball Club - YEARS 7 & 8 - Sports Hall
After-School Activities
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Homework Club
Room 1
Homework Club
Room 1
Homework Club
Room 1
Homework Club
Room 1
Netball All Years
Sports Hall
Indoor Football Years 7 & 8
Sports Hall
Indoor Football Years 9, 10 & 11
Sports Hall
*Boxing Club
All Years
Staff & All pupils

* payment for this activities will be required in advance