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A big focus for us at Danebury School is to encourage and promote a love of reading across the school, promoting a reading culture.

As part of this, we have updated our library with new stock link to cross-curriculum subjects. To promote reading, we use Accelerated Reader, see link on the right, which is software that tells us students' reading age and progression.  

We have kicked off the year with a reading initiative called: DEAR, which is an anacronym for Drop Everything and Read.  The premise of DEAR is to 'literally' drop everything and read for pleasure at a designated time for 20minutes every day.  Repetition of DEAR across a school week ensures students are practising important reading skills that will support their learning through their academic years and hopefully foster a love of reading beyond their school years.

Since the beginning of term, we have already seen great success with DEAR. The initiative is already a key part of our routine at Danebury School, and students and teachers alike look forward to the allocated DEAR sessions. 

Parents, please continue to support your children by ensuring they have their books with them every day and encourage them to read challenging books that stretch their capabilities. We are passionate about the impact this can and will have on our students. 

Mrs Dunn 

Head of English