The Key Stage 4 curriculum is characterised by opportunities for pupils deepen their knowledge and understanding of subjects they have experienced in Key Stage 3. Religious Education is also part of the core curriculum for all pupils in Years 10.
Pupils will have an opportunity to focus their learning as they choose their subjects for examination entry. We expect many pupils to continue with a Modern Foreign Language, and we strongly encourage pupils to consider a subject in Humanities because alongside a range of other subject disciplines, qualifications in these disciplines are a sound foundation for post-16 learning. The school takes a varied approach to the organisation of teaching groups to ensure that the challenges of learning in different disciplines are effectively met.
Throughout Years 10 and 11, Maths and Science will focus on GCSE in either Combined or Separate Sciences. All pupils will take GCSE English and Literature in our school as part of their core provision. Where pupils have particular interests in music, sport or drama, for example, the school provides ample opportunities for them to pursue their interests even if not taken as an examination subject. We actively promote these opportunities in our school and are keen to celebrate the achievements of our pupils in their participation in these additional learning opportunities. Our extra-curricular music and sports programmes in which many pupils participate, are a key part of the school.